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Recipe: Haiti’s Top Dish: Haitian Legume

Updated: Sep 17, 2020

Haiti is well known for its rich and colorful history. They are a nation that surpassed many obstacles and disasters over time.

Despite the hardships, the culture of the people continues to thrive. Their music, customs and cuisine are a major contributor to the resilience of the people.

One of the most popular dishes in Haiti is Haitian Legume or Touffe Legume/Legim. Legume means vegetable in French, the nation’s most widely spoken language.

Haitian Legume

What is Haitian Legume?

Haitian Legume is essentially a stew made from vegetables, or a vegetable ratatouille. Various meats and seafood can also be added to increase flavour.

Common vegetables in the legume dish include:

· Eggplant

· Chayote Squash

· Cabbage

· Carrot

· Onion

· Leek

· Pepper

· Spinach

· String Beans

· Scallions

The stew is seasoned with a variety of herbs and spices such as lime, garlic, thyme, clove, and salt to name a few.

All the vegetables are chopped into small pieces and set to boil. Chicken or vegetable broth and tomato paste is added for extra moist flavour.

The stewed legumes are boiled to a soft consistency, almost like a puree. It is generally served over rice or grits (mayi moulen).

It is a daily dish for most Haitians and a great way to get a daily serving of vegetables in, even for those who are not fond of vegetables.

Why is Haitian Legume so popular?

Apart from being a very nutritious meal, Haitian Legume is inexpensive to create and does not take long to prepare.

The vegetables used can be easily found in markets or grown at home. They contain a lot of great health benefits and can be customised to suit different palates.

Chefs can use any vegetable they prefer and create unique recipes and combinations. With the addition of seafood or meat, it becomes a heartier dish. Popular meat options include crab, beef, smoked bones, pork, and chicken.

The stew generally takes approximately forty-five minutes to prepare and serve. It is low cost meal and easy to cook, so even the most inexperienced chefs can try their hand at Haitian Legume.

The most tedious part of the process is cutting up the vegetables. After this step is completed, it’s very simple to prepare a quick and easy lunch or dinner meal.

During times of hardship or struggles with household income, many families can rely on this traditional recipe to provide good nutrition on a small budget.

It can usually feed four to six people at a time. Stew is also very comforting and tasty to brighten any day. Search for the member you want to make a writer.

Tips to prepare the best Haitian Legume:

· Thoroughly wash all vegetables and ingredients

· Dice the vegetables into small cubes for faster cooking

· Dice and chop vegetables in advance to save time and store in fridge

· Wash meat with lime before seasoning

· Let the vegetables simmer for extra time in the meat sauces (if adding meat to pot)

These simple tips will enhance the flavour of your stew and make for a very enjoyable meal.

Have you ever tried Haitian Legume? How did it go and what kind of vegetables have you been using? Let me know in the comment section below!

For more inspiration visit: _morethanahoopersdiet

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